Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Three Days Clean

Today was a day. Peg baked a pie. I made gluten-free tabouli (posting recipe tomorrow). We made a chopped salad. Pegs & I even indulged in a decadent chocolate smoothie for our mid-afternoon snack. And I must say, I felt like a cleansing cheater even though it was completely Clean—check proof below. Overall, I have noticed more energy with a great mood and it has only been three days!

Breakfast Smoothie
1 C mixed raspberries and blackberries
½ C shredded coconut
10oz. coconut water
3 tbsp hemp seeds (or suggested amount of another protein powder)
3 kale leaves
1½ tbsp almond butter
1 tbsp ground chia seeds
1tbsp aloe vera
½ tsp vanilla
½ tsp cinnamon

Chopped Salad (2 servings)
2-3 C lettuce chopped
½ C radishes diced
½ C cucumber diced
½ C cauliflower chopped
½ C red cabbage chopped
½ avocado sliced
¼ C carrots shredded
¼ C sunflower seeds
¼ C dried currants 
¼ C leftover salmon OR roasted chicken
1 tbsp fresh dill
1 tbsp fresh parsley
¼ C lemon juice whisked with ¼ C olive oil for dressing
Celtic salt to taste

 **Mine with Salmon**
 **Peg's with Chicken**
**Salmon Heart: Food is Love**


 Can’t Believe it’s Clean Chocolate Smoothie
(makes 2 small servings) 
8oz. coconut water
3 dates, chopped and pitted
2 tbsp raw almond butter
1½ tbsp flax seeds ground
1 tbsp coconut shreds OR coconutmana/coconut butter
1 tbsp raw cocoa
1 tbsp hemp seeds
1 tsp cinnamon
¼ tsp vanilla
3 dates chopped


 Split Pea Soup (4 servings)
1 onion chopped
2 carrots chopped
1 stalk celery chopped
2 C green split peas
6 C chicken or vegetable stock or water
1 tsp oregano
1 tsp smoked paprika
2-3 freshly minced garlic
1 Bay leaf
1 tbsp olive oil
Salt and pepper to taste
-Sweat onion, carrot and celery in olive oil and cook for 3- 5 minutes covered. Add seasonings and fresh garlic.
-Add stock and peas, bring to boil over medium heat, cover and cook over low heat stirring occasionally until peas are very soft approx 1hr
-Remove Bay Leaf, and puree in food processor, return to pot thin with more stock if desired and taste for seasoning
-Salt and pepper to taste

 **Cinnamon Sugar Apples.. Wish they were Clean**
**Peg's Beautiful Pie**

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