Monday, September 10, 2012

Clean Program

Today was our first day on the Clean program, and honestly, I don’t even feel like we are cleansing. I feel like I am cheating compared to all the other fasts and detoxes I have done… I never felt hungry today! Our eating schedule looks a bit like this:

  • 9:00am            Smoothie
  • 11:15ish           Snack (nuts, seeds & raisins OR apple with almond/sunflower butter)
  • 1:30-2pm         “Dinner” our solid meal of the day
  • 4:00pm            Snack (carrots, radish & celery with homemade hummus)
  • 7:00pm            Juices or pureed Soup

Pegs and I had a fruit smoothie for breakfast that was delicious, wild rice and chicken salad for our “Linner” (which is a recipe in our book), and a very green smoothie for dinner. If I keep feeling like this, these next three weeks are going to be a wheat-dairy-egg-sugar-free piece of cake!

Breakfast Smoothie
½ a peach
½ a pear (OR ½ -1 C blueberries)
10oz. coconut water
1 tbsp ground chia seeds
4 tbsp hemp protein (or suggested amount of another protein powder)
3 kale leaves
½ tsp cinnamon

 Wild Rice Chicken Salad
2 C red and curly leaf lettuce mixture
½ C wild rice
½ avocado
¼ C roasted chicken
¼ C sliced red onion
4 green beans
2 tbsp pepita seeds
2 tbsp dried currants
¼- 1/3 C peg’s house dressing

Peg’s House Dressing
2-3 cloves garlic
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
½ tsp Celtic sea salt
1 lemon juiced (Meyer lemon = the best!)
½ C olive oil

 Very Green Dinner Smoothie (2 servings)
10 mint leaves
4-5 kale leaves
4 stalks celery
2 carrots
1 cucumber
1 green apple
1 lemon juiced
1 handful of parsley
1 C purified water (after drinking it, I would recommend 3-4 cups)
**It looked nice; however, this smoothie came out of the Vitamix too thick for Pegs and me… But hey, we are learning! I would stick to juicing my greens.

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