Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fourth Day Clean

 *The Yoga View**
lokah samastha sukhino bhavanthu; may all beings in the world be blessed with peace, happiness, and well-being” was our morning chant after a lovely yoga session on the deck.

Once we were warmed-up, Pegs had us clean in preparation for Ann-Dogg’s arrival tomorrow (my younger middle-half). We did the floors, dishes, laundry—the whole-shebang. We finally ate around 3:30/4, way later then we would have liked, a delicious Mediterranean dish. Then afterwards, Pegs and I took more pictures than you could imagine or her pie. Pure torture.

Clean-wise: hunger levels are still low!

Breakfast Smoothie
1 C mixed raspberries and blueberries
½ C shredded coconut
10oz. coconut water
3 tbsp hemp seeds (or suggested amount of another protein powder)
3 kale leaves
1 tbsp ground chia seeds
1 tbsp hazelnuts
1 tbsp chopped pecans
1 tsp raw cocoa
½ tsp honey
½ tsp vanilla
½ tsp cinnamon

 Mediterranean Halibut with Quinoa Tabouli and Bok Choy/Beet Greens
8oz. Halibut
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tsp dill
½ tsp garlic powder
½ lemon juiced
-Heat pan on medium-high. Season halibut with lemon and dill. Next add a tablespoon of coconut oil to pan. Sear halibut skin side down on medium-high heat for 3-5minutes covered. Carefully flip halibut and continue to cook covered for 3-5minutes (depending on thickness of fish and how rare you like it).
1 yellow onion chopped
5 shitake mushrooms chopped
10 olives pitted
2 tbsp capers
1 tbsp coconut oil
-In the same pan as fish, heat to medium then add coconut oil and onion. Cook until the onions become translucent, then add mushrooms.  Once mushrooms are soft, add capers and olives. Leave on low heat until onions and mushrooms are lightly browned

(around 8 servings)
1 Cup quinoa cooked
 2Tbls. olive oil
 2-3 Tbl minced fresh mint
1/2 tsp Celtic sea salt, maybe a little more taste before serving
1/4 C fresh lemon juice
1-3 cloves minced fresh garlic
1/2 C finely chopped scallions
3/4 C finely chopped fresh parsley
-Place warm cooked quinoa in a large container. Add olive oil,mint, salt, lemon juice, and garlic.  Mix well and refrigerate for 1 hour.  Then add scallions and parsley. Mix well.
-Optional additions: diced cucumbers, tomatoes, toasted sunflower seeds or pine nuts. Cilantro is another variation as well. 
-Made 1 day ahead is best!  Enjoy!

2 heads of bok choy chopped
1 handful of beet greens chopped
2 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove minced
-Heat pan on medium-low. Then add olive oil, garlic, bok choy, and beet greens. Cook until leaves are tender.

Veggie Juice
7 stalks celery
6 kale leaves
2 carrots
2 small green apples
1 lemon
1 handful of parsley
1 handful cilantro
1 handful of spinach

 **Found this gem from our hike last Saturday at Jonah Lake**

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