Thursday, September 20, 2012

Clean Cleaning


Annie headed back to the beach today, leaving us as just Megs&Pegs. But before she hit the road, we had a good laugh and some tea with our beloved Kathy. With Annie gone and Katie arriving Monday, it is just now hitting me that I only have one more week here—seriously, where does the time go!!? We have accomplished a lot, but have much more to do... So, in preparation, the rest of our day was spent cleaning, organizing, and planning. We were Clean cleaning today!

Clean report: my stomach is feeling more normal, drinking more warm water with lemon in the morning to help my digestion. I got a small headache today that I am assuming was from dehydration… not positive because I am drinking so much water… but that is what the book suggests. My hunger is still low, but like we promised Pegs and I are back on the juice.

Breakfast Smoothie
2 C mixed raspberries and blueberries
¼ C shredded coconut
10oz. water
3 tbsp hemp seeds (or suggested amount of another protein powder)
5 kale leaves
2 tbsp chia seeds soaked in warm water with cinnamon and cardamom
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp honey
½ tsp vanilla
¼ tsp cardamom

 Kale Salad (with some leftover Coconut Curry)
1 bunch purple leaf kale, de-stemed and shredded
1/4 Cup basil, cilantro, basil and mint leaves chopped
3 Tbls hemp seeds and raw toasted pumpkin seeds*
1/4 C scallions, green onions sliced
Detox lemon dressing equal parts lemon juice to oil, mix well  add Celtic sea salt
Mix all together. Let salad sit for 5-10 minutes. Chew well and enjoy the green!
 **Some Curry and Kale**

10 kale leaves
8 celery stalks
3 carrots
1 beet
1 small green apple
1 lemon
1 handful parsley

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