Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back in the 'Boat

Monday night I flew back to our home in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Peg truly enhanced the cabin since I was here last. She has added more sweet details, like the outdoor yoga deck (picture to come soon), new trees, more flowers, and other colorful details inside. The garden is overflowing with produce like kale, arugula, broccoli rabe, bok choy, garlic, chives, mint, and much more. I have fallen in love with this place all over again!

For the next 25days Peg’s and I intend to “finish” what we started here a year ago… And let me tell you, we are well on our way! Peg’s and I have already made then photographed six recipes. Thanks to our organization, we have mapped out the month of September planning each day around the thirty-five recipes we have left to photograph. And to think this book has roughly 150 recipes in it!

 **Peg hard at work**
 **Sam's Breakfast Sanwich**
**Halibut Piccata**

I am so excited to get back on track blogging and see this project through.

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